Haul + mistakes I made in online shopping
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I recently received my orders that I made online on a few shopping sites so I decided to share my thoughts here with you. I already wrote about Zaful, Rosegal and Gamiss shopping sites. I've been using online shopping sites for a while now, so I thought I could say that I have some experience when it comes to choosing items. But, the truth is, you can always make a mistake, whether the site doesn't describe the item right, or you just get carried away and buy something without checking all the details before. I think that this time I made a mistake (but the site is not completely innocent either). I was looking through Zaful page trying to find something with beautiful Autumn colours. I found this https://goo.gl/3mpD86.
As you can see (if you take a look at measurements) this item comes in one size only. It was strange to me because not everyone has the same shoulder width and arms are definitely not the same size for every woman in the world. Also the waist size is not defined and it was one thing on this shirt/dress that really REALLY surprised me. I could expect it to be a bit larger than usual.. But this... This dress is probably a piece of clothing that has the largest waist size in my entire closet! I've never worn anything this wide! This is too wide even for pregnant women. It does look really pretty (because of colours) and it is comfortable I must say. I can always pair it with a cute jacket to make it look nice, but without anything over this dress - I look really huge. The material of the dress is good, the quality also and I think I will be able to pair it with a few Fall/Winter items in my closet. I will probably post photos of those outfits on my Instagram page.
Right after this dress arrived to my door and I saw it, I checked the site and saw two photos a girl posted of herself in this item. I was surprised how different in size it looked, the one she had was much smaller and shorter. I did check her height, and the item she has is definitely not the same as the one I have. Mine is much longer and bigger. I don't know how Zaful works and their way of choosing and sending products to customers, but something went wrong here. :) Here are the photos.
Nedavno mi je stigla odjeća koju sam naručila sa online stranica pa sam odlučila podijeliti svoja razmišljanja ovdje s vama. Već sam pisala o Zaful, Rosegal i Gamiss stranicama. To bi značilo da već neko vrijeme koristim online trgovine za kupnju odjeće i čak sam pomislila da imam već neko iskustvo u tome naručivanju i da ne bih trebala griješiti pri odabiru odjeće. Istina je, uvijek možemo pogriješiti, bilo da stranica ne opisuje tu stvar koju pregledamo dovoljno dobro ili se nekada jednostavno zanesemo i kupimo nešto bez da smo prije provjerili sve detalje o komadu. Mislim da sam ovaj put ja pogriješila (iako ni stranica nije u potpunosti nevina). Pregledala sam Zaful stranicu tražeči nešto lijepo sa jesenjim bojama. Našla sam ovo https://goo.gl/3mpD86.
I recently received my orders that I made online on a few shopping sites so I decided to share my thoughts here with you. I already wrote about Zaful, Rosegal and Gamiss shopping sites. I've been using online shopping sites for a while now, so I thought I could say that I have some experience when it comes to choosing items. But, the truth is, you can always make a mistake, whether the site doesn't describe the item right, or you just get carried away and buy something without checking all the details before. I think that this time I made a mistake (but the site is not completely innocent either). I was looking through Zaful page trying to find something with beautiful Autumn colours. I found this https://goo.gl/3mpD86.
As you can see (if you take a look at measurements) this item comes in one size only. It was strange to me because not everyone has the same shoulder width and arms are definitely not the same size for every woman in the world. Also the waist size is not defined and it was one thing on this shirt/dress that really REALLY surprised me. I could expect it to be a bit larger than usual.. But this... This dress is probably a piece of clothing that has the largest waist size in my entire closet! I've never worn anything this wide! This is too wide even for pregnant women. It does look really pretty (because of colours) and it is comfortable I must say. I can always pair it with a cute jacket to make it look nice, but without anything over this dress - I look really huge. The material of the dress is good, the quality also and I think I will be able to pair it with a few Fall/Winter items in my closet. I will probably post photos of those outfits on my Instagram page.
Right after this dress arrived to my door and I saw it, I checked the site and saw two photos a girl posted of herself in this item. I was surprised how different in size it looked, the one she had was much smaller and shorter. I did check her height, and the item she has is definitely not the same as the one I have. Mine is much longer and bigger. I don't know how Zaful works and their way of choosing and sending products to customers, but something went wrong here. :) Here are the photos.
Nedavno mi je stigla odjeća koju sam naručila sa online stranica pa sam odlučila podijeliti svoja razmišljanja ovdje s vama. Već sam pisala o Zaful, Rosegal i Gamiss stranicama. To bi značilo da već neko vrijeme koristim online trgovine za kupnju odjeće i čak sam pomislila da imam već neko iskustvo u tome naručivanju i da ne bih trebala griješiti pri odabiru odjeće. Istina je, uvijek možemo pogriješiti, bilo da stranica ne opisuje tu stvar koju pregledamo dovoljno dobro ili se nekada jednostavno zanesemo i kupimo nešto bez da smo prije provjerili sve detalje o komadu. Mislim da sam ovaj put ja pogriješila (iako ni stranica nije u potpunosti nevina). Pregledala sam Zaful stranicu tražeči nešto lijepo sa jesenjim bojama. Našla sam ovo https://goo.gl/3mpD86.
Kao što vidite (ako pogledate navedene mjere) ovaj komad odjeće dolazi samo u jednoj veličini. To mi je bilo malo neobično jer nemaju sve žene na svijetu istu širinu ramena i ruke im definitivno nisu iste duljine. Također, širina ove haljinice na području struka nije bila određena i to je ono što me baš BAŠ iznenadilo. Mogla sam očekivati da će biti šira i da mi neće u potpunosti pristajati uz tijelo... Ali ovo... Ova haljina je vjerovatno komad odjeće sa najvećom veličinom struka koju imam u svom ormaru! Nisam nikad nosila nešto ovoliko široko. Čak je i trudnicama preširoka. Istina je da izgleda lijepo što se tiče boja i jako je udobna. Uvijek je mogu kombinirati s nekom jaknicom da izgleda lijepo. Ipak, bez ičega preko ove haljinice - izgledam baš ogromno. Materijal haljinice je dobar kao i kvaliteta cijelog komada i mislim da ću je moći iskoristiti u kombinaciji s nekoliko jesenjih i zimskih komada odjeće. Vjerovatno ću te kombinacije postavljati na Instagram.
Odmah nakon što je ova haljinica/majica stigla na moju adresu, ja ju probala i iznenadila se, provjerila sam stranicu i vidjela dvije fotografije koje je jedna djevojka postavila. Uslikala je sebe u ovoj haljinici koja je na njoj izgledala više kao majica. Iznenadila sam se koliko je različita u veličini, njena je puno manja i kraća. Provjerila sam i njenu visinu koju je napisala i haljina koju sam ja dobila definitivno nije isti komad odjeće koji je ta djevojka dobila. Moja je mnogo duža i veća. Ja ne znam kako Zaful radi i šalje svoje stvari ljudima, ali ovdje nešto ne štima. :) Evo i fotografija.
Besides this dress/shirt, I ordered one bag and a small, cute backpack from Gamiss. They look even better live than on photos and I am very satisfied with them. The bag was a part of my Digital Divas event outfit.
My new make up brushes that you could see on my Instagram stories if you follow me, are also from Gamiss. I am in love with how they look, but they also do a good job.
Osim ove haljinice, naručila sam torbicu i mali, slatki ruksak sa Gamiss stranice. Uživo zgledaju još bolje nego na fotografijama. Njima sam jako zadovoljna. Torbicu sam nosila na Digital Divas konferenciju.
Nove četkice za šminkanje koje ste mogli vidjeti na mom Instagram storyju, ako me pratite, također su sa Gamiss stranice. Zaljubila sam se u njhov izgled ali rade i dobar posao.
BAG/TORBA - https://goo.gl/9cH2rM
BACKPACKRUKSAK - https://goo.gl/XK4Bmb
BRUSHES/ČETKICE - https://goo.gl/sCFws2
On Zaful, I ordered very cool embriodered jeans and cropped sweatshirt. I expected sweatshirt to be a little bit bigger, but it is okay like this too. I like the way it looks, and jeans fit me perfectly. I was surprised when I tried on jeans, it usually takes years for me to find a nice pair.
Na Zaful stranici, naručila sam jako lijepe farmerice koje na sebi imaju vezeno cvijeće i leptiriće te sam uzela i duksericu. Očekivala sam da dukserica bude veća, ali dobra je i ovako. Za hlače sam se iznenadila, inače jako teško nalazim neke koje mi odlično pristaju.
JEANS/HLAČE - https://goo.gl/6NJZ56
SWEATSHIRT/DUKSERICA - https://goo.gl/qCEwB2
On Rosegal, I ordered a jacket and I liked it very much. It is good quality and great for Fall. I also ordered sandals. I don't know why, but I ordered them even though the Summer is over. I liked the way they looked online. I did not wear them and I'm not planning to, I think I will give them away because they're too pointy for my taste... I just don't like the way they look on me.
Na Rosegal stranici, naručila sam jaknu i jako mi se svidjela. Dobre je kvalitete i odlična za jesen. Također sam naručila sandale, ne znam zašto, ljeto je gotovo... Svidjelo mi se kako izgledaju na stranici i mislila sam da će valjati. Nisam ih nosila i ne planiram, proslijediti ću ih nekome kome se sviđaju. Previše su špicaste za moj ukus, jednostavno mi se ne sviđa kako izgledaju na meni.
JACKET/JAKNA - https://goo.gl/LGPLwe
SANDALS/SANDALE - https://goo.gl/N8tceL
I hope you liked this post, leave me your thoughts in comments.
Nadam se da vam se post svidio, ostavite mi mišljenja u komentarima.
XOXO, Mirela
Women jacket: https://www.dresshead.com/ womens-short-quilted-jacket- solid-black-straps/
Odmah nakon što je ova haljinica/majica stigla na moju adresu, ja ju probala i iznenadila se, provjerila sam stranicu i vidjela dvije fotografije koje je jedna djevojka postavila. Uslikala je sebe u ovoj haljinici koja je na njoj izgledala više kao majica. Iznenadila sam se koliko je različita u veličini, njena je puno manja i kraća. Provjerila sam i njenu visinu koju je napisala i haljina koju sam ja dobila definitivno nije isti komad odjeće koji je ta djevojka dobila. Moja je mnogo duža i veća. Ja ne znam kako Zaful radi i šalje svoje stvari ljudima, ali ovdje nešto ne štima. :) Evo i fotografija.
Here I look much smaller than I actually am. To me, this photo is very funny, I laughed hard when I saw myself here. I don't care if dresses like this are some kind of trend, I feel strange.
Ovdje izgledam puno manja nego što stvarno jesam, haljinica me je poklopila i sebi sam skroz smiješna :'D Ne zanima me ako je ovaj kroj neki trend, ja se osjećam neobično.
My new make up brushes that you could see on my Instagram stories if you follow me, are also from Gamiss. I am in love with how they look, but they also do a good job.
Osim ove haljinice, naručila sam torbicu i mali, slatki ruksak sa Gamiss stranice. Uživo zgledaju još bolje nego na fotografijama. Njima sam jako zadovoljna. Torbicu sam nosila na Digital Divas konferenciju.
Nove četkice za šminkanje koje ste mogli vidjeti na mom Instagram storyju, ako me pratite, također su sa Gamiss stranice. Zaljubila sam se u njhov izgled ali rade i dobar posao.
BAG/TORBA - https://goo.gl/9cH2rM
BACKPACKRUKSAK - https://goo.gl/XK4Bmb
BRUSHES/ČETKICE - https://goo.gl/sCFws2
On Zaful, I ordered very cool embriodered jeans and cropped sweatshirt. I expected sweatshirt to be a little bit bigger, but it is okay like this too. I like the way it looks, and jeans fit me perfectly. I was surprised when I tried on jeans, it usually takes years for me to find a nice pair.
Na Zaful stranici, naručila sam jako lijepe farmerice koje na sebi imaju vezeno cvijeće i leptiriće te sam uzela i duksericu. Očekivala sam da dukserica bude veća, ali dobra je i ovako. Za hlače sam se iznenadila, inače jako teško nalazim neke koje mi odlično pristaju.
JEANS/HLAČE - https://goo.gl/6NJZ56
SWEATSHIRT/DUKSERICA - https://goo.gl/qCEwB2
On Rosegal, I ordered a jacket and I liked it very much. It is good quality and great for Fall. I also ordered sandals. I don't know why, but I ordered them even though the Summer is over. I liked the way they looked online. I did not wear them and I'm not planning to, I think I will give them away because they're too pointy for my taste... I just don't like the way they look on me.
Na Rosegal stranici, naručila sam jaknu i jako mi se svidjela. Dobre je kvalitete i odlična za jesen. Također sam naručila sandale, ne znam zašto, ljeto je gotovo... Svidjelo mi se kako izgledaju na stranici i mislila sam da će valjati. Nisam ih nosila i ne planiram, proslijediti ću ih nekome kome se sviđaju. Previše su špicaste za moj ukus, jednostavno mi se ne sviđa kako izgledaju na meni.
JACKET/JAKNA - https://goo.gl/LGPLwe
SANDALS/SANDALE - https://goo.gl/N8tceL
I hope you liked this post, leave me your thoughts in comments.
Nadam se da vam se post svidio, ostavite mi mišljenja u komentarima.
XOXO, Mirela
Women jacket: https://www.dresshead.com/
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