Holidays 2017 | Goodbye old year
2017 was a year that brought a lot of changes in my life. Since many things have changed, the way I experienced Holidays this December also changed. This year I had a much different Christmas than usual. The tradition of celebrating Christmas itself didn't change. I did.
I started that college time of life so I don't live at home anymore, I only visit. To me, that completely affected the way I felt about Holidays. I was euphoric, but not as much as before. It is not the same feeling I always had. I always loved Christmas time. I still do. But life duties sometimes ruin every sparkle of happiness around us. Especially if we're experiencing problems or fears. Sometimes we have so many fights inside of us, with ourselves, and we forget about the world that still exists around us. Everything I wrote is the reason why I couldn't, and still can't, feel Christmas happiness and Holiday joy like I could before. I have too many fears. I still can't believe where I am, what am I doing, where am I going with my life. I can't believe everything went by so fast, I became an adult while still a child inside. A child that has to learn (like everyone out there with the same/similar fear) that this life happens only once, that we have to use it in the best way we can. No more fears, say stop to putting yourself down because you don't feel good enough!
I hope I'll learn. And so should you.
Here are some of the pictures from this year's Holidays. I was happy, finally surrounded with my family.
Here are the links to pieces of clothing in this post. All of them can be found on ZAFUL
Wine red sweater/crveni džemper:
Ankle boots/čizme:
Here are the links to pieces of clothing in this post. All of them can be found on ZAFUL
Wine red sweater/crveni džemper:
Ankle boots/čizme:
Brown coat/smeđi kaput:
Gray open cardigan with fur pockets/sivi otvoreni džemper:
Gray sweater with pearls/sivi džemper sa perlama:
2017. je bila godina koja je donijela mnogo promjena u moj život. Budući da se sve promijenilo, način na koji sam doživjela blagdane ovaj prosinac se također promijenio. Ove godine sam imala mnogo drugačiji Božić nego inače. Tradicija slavljenja se nije promijenila. Ja sam.
Započela sam život studenta ove prošle 2017. godine pa više ne živim kod kuće, samo posjećujem. Meni je to potpuno utjecalo na moje raspoloženje i osjećaje tijekom blagdana. Bila sam uzbuđena, ali ne kao prije. Nije to bio isti osjećaj koji sam uvijek imala. Uvijek sam voljela Božićno vrijeme. Još uvijek volim. Ali nekada životne obaveze unište svaku vrstu sreće oko nas. Pogotovo ako trenutno proživljavamo probleme ili strahove. Ponekada imamo toliko borbi unutar nas, sami sa sobom pa zaboravimo da svijet okolo nas još uvijek postoji. Sve što sam do sad napisala je razlog zašto nisam mogla, i još uvijek ne mogu, doživjeti sreću Božića i radost blagdana kao što sam prije. Imam previše strahova. Još uvijek ne mogu vjerovati gdje sam, što radim i gdje idem u životu. Ne mogu vjerovati da je sve prošlo tako brzo, postala sam odrasla dok sam još dijete unutra. Dijete koje mora naučiti (a isto tako i svi vi koji imate sličan/isti strah) da se život događa samo jednom i da ga trebamo iskoristiti na najbolji mogući način. Nema više strahova, recite stop zaustavljanju sebe zato jer se ne osjećate dovoljno dobrim!
Nadam se da ću naučiti, a isto tako i vi.
XOXO, Mirela
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